Is spray foam insulation water tight?
YES! But only at 2 inches applied with CLOSED CELL spray foam.
NO, if applied less than 2 inches of closed cell and any OPEN CELL foam is not water tight.
Will spray foam seal out bugs?
YES, as spray foam eliminates air flow that bugs sense and head for.
Will critters such as mice, squirrels and bats eat through the foam?
They are capable, however as with bugs, these critters will less likely be attracted to chew through the foam to get inside as they are attracted to the airflow and leakages houses hemorrhage with traditional insulations. They will likely look for an easier home to break into.
Will spray foam ever disintegrate?
Yes, it can. Sunlight will discolor, crack and slowly degrade foam, that is why it is essential to have it covered with drywall or plaster as soon as possible to give your investment every opportunity to stay as strong as the day it was applied.
Will spray foam catch fire?
NO, it will not catch fire however it does melt in fire. A fire retardant barrier can be sprayed on after the foam has cured. This fire barrier only buys time, usually up to 15 minutes. It does not extinguish fire.
When is the best time to spray/inject foam into my house?
Season/Time of year: Anytime the temperature is above 40 deg Fahrenheit is a great time to apply any kind of foam
Possible Scenarios:
a) In a new building, before or after the windows are installed?
Either works as long as the roof is in place.
b) In a remodel or existing home with poor insulation?
From the outside; always best when the temperature is above 40 Deg F.
From the inside; really any time of year as long as the rig and reactor have a heated hose, in which some rigs do not.
c) In an attic conversion?
Anytime as long as the area (substrate) having spray foam applied to is dry. No moisture.
d) Basement box sills?
Anytime as long as the area (Substrate) having spray foam applied to is dry. No moisture.
Where can spray foam be applied?
There really is no limit as to where spray foam can be applied. It is sprayed out of a high pressure gun much like a professional paint sprayer, just on a larger scale. So pretty much anywhere you can get a clear line to spray, it can go.
Can you spray foam my crawl space?
YES, most certainly. In some cases spray foam in crawl spaces is a perfect lasting solution to a “tight space” dilemma of how to seal up and prevent energy loss and critter permeation. Where traditional insulations require annual repair and upkeep, spray foam does not.
How much spray foam do you need to pass inspection for R-Value comparisons?
See chart for side by side comparison
Spray foam is lumpy in some spots, will that change the overall R-Value?
Depending on the substrate being sprayed, there may be a lumpy texture to your foam. While we all love to look at photos of smooth flat spray foam, this is easiest achieved on very flat surfaces such as poured basement walls or brand new construction. When seeing a lumpy foam job due to a lumpy substrate (ribbed steel will show the ribs, tight spaces such as corners of box sills that are hard to reach, old framing/wood) the important factor is that the foam is sealing what needs to be sealed and is at a nominal overall benchmark depth. When we at Rock Road spray foam, we are working to provide the depth indicated on your estimate or a bit more, rather than less, which is one way we set ourselves apart!
Is spray foam toxic?
Briefly. This is while it is being applied and up to 48 hours while it “off gasses”. After that period it is no longer toxic.
How long do I need to air out my house once the spray foam is applied?
Depending on the airflow of your property it is recommended 24-48 hours upon completion of application.
Can we stay in our house the same night once spray foam has been applied?
Homeowners, their children, and pets leave the home during the installation process. There are a number of variables that determine the length of time you must stay out of the house, including temperature, humidity levels, and the SPF’s formula. Homeowners should discuss the amount of time they need to wait before re-entering their home with their applicator.
Is Spray foam flammable?
Only during the application process - after the foam cures, it is not.
What kind of energy savings can I expect from spray foam?
You can expect to save at least 30% on your energy bills using 2 inches or more of CLOSED CELL spray foam and applying it to where your property loses the most energy.
Will spray foam lose its R-Value over time?
Some test studies show that it can drop a very small percentage over a few years, however this is nothing like traditional insulation which loses r-value much faster for several reasons; one being it literally immediately loses r-value upon the installation of sheet rock, osb, or any other finished wall product which must use nails or screws going through the vapor barrier. See “The R-Value Fairy Tale” in the resources page for more information.